Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What's up with quest chains?

If I had any readers at all they might be wondering why I posted quest chains for low level horde instances. Well, I have started a troll shaman on the Balnazzar server. The goal is to run instances with people I know the whole way up, in this case 2 of my current roommates and 2 of my former roommates. The plan so far is to play every Thursday night, so we're not exactly leveling fast, but it's good fun.

Why only Thursday night? Well, I've recently joined a raiding guild on my main server, Zul'Jin. And I get to main tank a good chunk of the time! And we raid pretty much every night but Thursday. We've done Lucifron to Majordomo Exectus in one night. We've killed the first 3 bosses of AQ20. They'd killed Hakkar before I joined, but Zul'Gurub hasn't been a focus of raids since Ahn'Qiraj was released and Molten Core became farmable.

Thursday is also one of the few nights Pounder doesn't raid on Kilrogg. I'm pretty sure Tom raids every night with his guild on Zul'jin but that hasn't stopped him from playing his druid with us either.

Raiding is kinda like a full time job... But at least it's fun. And brings fat purple lootses with it.

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