Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 37

As a point of information I recently bought a new computer for Civ V and FFXIV. I finally got around to installing Jack on my new computer and will be playing on it going forward. I think I have all the settings set the same way but something weird may happen. We'll see!

Board 37 – Dealer North – NS Vul

My hand: 8 5 A J 7 5 2 J T 6 5 3 K

Two passes to me. I pass as well. West opens 1 club and East bids 1 diamond. I pass and West bids 1 heart. East jumps to 3NT which gets passed out. They bid both of my suits so I lead the 8 of spades hoping it's partner's suit.

A Q J 6
K Q 4 3
8 7
Q 6 2

8 5
A J 7 5 2
J T 6 5 3

West North East South

Pass Pass Pass
1 Pass 1Pass
1 Pass 3NTAll Pass

8-J-2-7. I'm pretty sure declarer has at most 3 spades since he didn't bid them which means partner should have at least 4 himself. Maybe he started with KJT2 and we can get 2 spade tricks if I lead them again.

Declarer plays the 2 of clubs off dummy. 2-9-A-K. That feels like cheating. Boo! He plays out another club. What should I pitch? I think I can afford 2 hearts and a diamond for sure. I start with the 2 of hearts. 3-2 of hearts-Q-7. He plays another club. 6-J-5-3 of diamonds.

Partner cashes the A of diamonds. A-4-6-7. He plays the Q. Q-K-5-8. Guess I have 2 diamond tricks on top of my A of hearts. Declarer cashes a club and I pitch a heart. T-5 of hearts-3 of hearts-8. Another club. 4-7 of hearts-4 of hearts-6 of hearts. Declarer cashes the K of spades. K-5-6-9. He has a low spade to dummy's 2 high spades. Making 3.

T 9 4 2
T 9 6
J 9 8 7

A Q J 6
K Q 4 3
8 7
Q 6 2

K 7 3
K 9 4 2
A T 5 4 3

8 5
A J 7 5 2
J T 6 5 3

Professor Jack disagrees with my second pass. He wants me to overcall 1 heart. On the play he disagrees with my first pitch and wants me to pitch a small diamond instead of a small heart. And then when partner cashes the A of diamonds he wants me to discourage with the 5 instead of the 6.

On the replay we get blown out. My hand gets in there with 1 heart, partner 'preempts' with 2 hearts over 1 spade and they end up playing 3 clubs. They make 3.

Nick: -400
Jack: -110
IMPs: -7 (-6 total)


Bung said...

I particularly disagree with leading xx in hope that its your partner's suit. They did shy away from suits, those suits could easily be worth exploring.

Ziggyny said...

Worst case scenario partner has at least 4 spades so it's certainly one of his long suits. The hope is that he has cards in it. Leading either of my 5 card suits is bad if he doesn't have cards in those, too. What would you lead instead? The 5 of hearts?

Bung said...

Even if your partner has 4, he needs to set up the suit by himself and have his own entry. I think you're usually better off leading one of your suits, even if the opponents have bid it. Whether its diamonds or hearts is up to you, although in this case, I think I'd fire off a diamond.