Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 49

Board 49 – Dealer North – No Vul

My hand: K Q T 6 3 2 K 5 4 A 6 5 3

Two passes to me. I open 1 spade. West passes and partner jumps to 4 spades which gets passed out. West leads the T of clubs.

A 9 8
Q 9 8 7
A 9 7 2
J 5


K Q T 6 3 2
K 5 4
5 3
A 6

West North East South
Pass Pass 1
Pass 4 All Pass

Well, I clearly have a club loser, a diamond loser, and at least one heart loser. I'm actually pretty sure I have two heart losers, so I need to get rid of my diamond loser somehow, which would have to be by setting up the 4th heart. Not the greatest play but I don't see any other way to hold myself to 3 losers.

T-J-K-A. I draw trump. K-3 of clubs-8-4. Great. I can pick up the 4-0 split, but it does bad things to my entries. Oh well! 2-4 of clubs-A-5. 9-7-T-9 of clubs. Q-3 of hearts-5 of clubs-J.

I need to attack hearts now. 4-6-Q-A. East sends a heart over to his partner. 2-6-7-2 of diamonds. West cashes another and I ruff in. The K of hearts drops the T. I lose a heart to the J but still have a trump in hand and an entry to board with the A of diamonds. Making 4.

A 9 8
Q 9 8 7
A 9 7 2
J 5


T 6 3
K J 8 6
Q T 9 7 4 3

J 7 5 4
A J 2
Q T 4
K 8 2

K Q T 6 3 2
K 5 4
5 3
A 6

Professor Jack disagrees with the way I played the heart suit. He would start with low to the 7 instead of low to the Q. That's a good plan when West has JT for sure, but then he would have had pitched a heart from JTxx which doesn't seem likely.

On the replay partner jumps to 4 diamonds showing control in diamonds for spades. My seat bids 4 spades. West starts by leading a heart on which East takes his A without any opposing cards. So much for any problems for declarer. Hearts split 3-3 so he even gets to set up his long heart as well. Making 5 easily.

Nick: 420
Jack: 450
IMPs: -1 (-32 total)

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