Friday, October 15, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 52

Board 52 – Dealer West – All Vul

My hand: 9 8 2 Q 7 4 Q J 9 5 7 6 5

West opens 1 club. Partner passes and East bids 1 heart. My hand is terrible so I pass. West bids 1 spade, East bids 4th suit forcing, and they end up playing in 6 spades. Along the way West showed 0 or 4 kings by bidding 6 clubs and partner doubled. Playing with anyone sane I'd believe this to be lead directional but on the last hand my double of a cue-bid was for penalty so I'm not so sure anymore. Partner is on lead anyway so I guess it doesn't matter. I'm never getting in. Partner leads the 4 of diamonds.


A K J 5
A K 8 5 3
K T 8 7

9 8 2
Q 7 4
Q J 9 5
7 6 5

West North East South
1 Pass 1 Pass
1 Pass 21 Pass
2NT2 Pass 4NT3 Pass
54 Pass 5NT5 Pass
66 Double7 6 All Pass
14th suit forcing
2Diamond stopper
3Blackwood for no trump
42 aces
5King asking
60 or 4 kings

I guess partner has the K of clubs. Fat lot of good it's going to do us with a club void on board, though. Who knows, maybe my Q of hearts will somehow score. At any rate, the diamond lead. 4-7-9-A. Declarer plays another diamond. 3-2-K-5.

He then attacks hearts. K-4-9-6. A-7-6 of diamonds-2. 3-Q-3 of spades-T. Partner has the high heart, I have two high diamonds, and partner has the K of clubs. Maybe we'll get a trick after all.

Declarer cashes the A of clubs. A-3-8 of diamonds-5. And another. J-K-5 of spades-6. I hope partner has the Q as well...

Declarer draws trump. J-2-4-7. Then he switches to a heart. 5-7 of clubs-6 of spades-J.

He tries to cash the Q of clubs. Q-4-T of diamonds-8 of spades.

I'm in. Dummy is up if I play a spade so I have to hope playing a diamond will accomplish something. Q-2 of clubs-9 of clubs-K of spades. It doesn't accomplish anything. Making 6.

T 7
J T 6 2
4 2
K T 9 4 3

Q 6 4 3
A 6 3
A Q J 8 2

A K J 5
A K 8 5 3
K T 8 7

9 8 2
Q 7 4
Q J 9 5
7 6 5

Professor Jack agrees with me all the way! Hopefully that means they'll make at the other table too.

On the replay the auction is identical. The play differs at trick 2 when declarer chooses to lead the J of clubs from hand. North doesn't cover and declarer pitches a heart from board. Then he draws trump. The play doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me but he ends up making, thankfully.

Nick: -1430
Jack: -1430
IMPs: 0 (-15 total)

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