Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 57

Board 57 – Dealer North – EW Vul

My hand: A Q 6 4 K T 4 3 2 T 3 7 2

Partner opens 1 club and East doubles. I bid 1 heart. West overcalls 2 diamonds which gets passed to me. I don't think my hand is quite good enough to head to 2 spades so my options are 2 hearts or double. I don't know what partner will take double as but I think it should show about this hand. Maybe 4-5-1-3 instead, actually. I double anyway. West pulls to 2 hearts which again gets passed to me. This time double should be for penalty I think, which I want to go for. It gets passed out.

Partner leads the A of hearts!


J 8 7 5
Q J 8
A Q J 5
T 6

A Q 6 4
K T 4 3 2
T 3
7 2

West North East South
1 Double 1
2 Pass PassDouble1
2 Pass PassDouble2
Pass Pass Pass

So declarer has at best 9765 of hearts. That seems like an awfully sketchy suit to me and means we get to take 4 trump tricks. I have the A of spades so any more tricks partner can take are money in the bank. At any rate, A-8-4-5.

Partner shifts to the 3 of clubs. 3-6-7-9. Declarer plays on diamonds. 2-4-J-T. Q-3-6-8. A-2 of hearts-7-9.

I'm in and return a club for partner. 2-A-4-T. Declarer throws out another club. 5-8-J of hearts-4 of spades.

Declarer draws trump. Q-K-6-J of clubs. I'm in. Declarer has two hearts left, and 1 diamond. if he has Kx of spades then I can set him by throwing him in with a heart after drawing a round of trump. If he has 2 small spades left then we can set him two by cashing 3 spades. Actually, if I start with a low spade anyway and declarer has Kx then I still set him. Or with A and low, which is safe since partner has at least 3 spades...

Maybe I should look at it from declarer's perspective. He has 5 tricks in and 1 more for sure in trump. If he has the K of spades he gets it unless I endplay him out of it, but that gives him his diamond which he can only get if he draws my trump. He can't do that unless I let him. Maybe he has two high clubs? Then he makes no matter what I do.

So, I think A of spades is the way to go. A-2-3-5. 6-7 of hearts-9-7. Now that he ruffed in my hand is up. Down 2, doubled.

K T 9 3
9 8 4
K J 8 4 3

9 7 6 5
K 7 6 2
A Q 9 5

J 8 7 5
Q J 8
A Q J 5
T 6

A Q 6 4
K T 4 3 2
T 3
7 2

Professor Jack disagrees with my first double since apparently it's for penalty. He also disagrees with my second double since it's also for penalty. (That one I knew!)

The auction on the replay is substantially different. Instead of doubling 2 diamonds for penalty my seat bids 2 hearts, which West then doubles for penalty. Wouldn't that have been something, both tables down in 2 hearts doubled from different directions? It doesn't happen since North pulls to 2 spades. East gets in with 3 diamonds and South jumps to 4 spades. The defense takes two diamonds, two clubs, and a spade for down 2. I'm back to positive IMPs!

Nick: 500
Jack: -100
IMPs: +12 (+6 total)

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