Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 86

Board 86 – Dealer East – EW Vul

My hand: 3 K 9 8 6 4 K 9 7 6 5 3 2

East opens 2NT. I'm crazy so I bid 3 hearts. West doubles showing spades. Partner bids 4 hearts, East bids 4 spades. Partner sacs in 5 hearts which gets doubled. West leads the 2 of spades.

Q 8 7
Q T 7 2
4 2
K J 8 4

K 9 8 6 4
K 9 7 6 5
3 2

West North East South
2NT 3
Double1 4 4 Pass
Pass 5 Double2 All Pass

I have a loser in every suit and quite possibly a second loser in both diamonds and clubs. My plan is to try to cross ruff after losing some aces. 2-7-9-3. A-4 of hearts-6-8. I'm pretty sure East has all the high cards. Might as well let him in with the Q of clubs. 2-6-J-Q. He goes back to spades. K-6 of hearts-4-Q. I throw out another club. 3-7-8-9.

Now East draws trump. 5-8-3-T. I lead a diamond up to my K. 2-T-K-A. Wow. Guess I'm just screwed. West draws a round of trump. J-2-A-9. I get three trump tricks and lose the rest. Down 5, doubled.

Q 8 7
Q T 7 2
4 2
K J 8 4

6 5 4 2
J 3
A J 8 3
T 7 6

A K J T 9
A 5
A Q 9 5

K 9 8 6 4
K 9 7 6 5
3 2

Professor Jack disagrees with my overcall and would have passed. He then would have finessed deeply and gone with the 8 of clubs instead of the J on the first round.

At the other table they settle easily into 4 spades. They make 6.

Nick: -1100
Jack: -680
IMPs: -9 (+23 total)

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