Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bridge Match 1 - Board 102

Board 102 – Dealer East – EW Vul

My hand: K J 3 J 5 4 2 Q J 6 5 4 2

East open 1 club and I jump to 2 diamonds. West bids 2 hearts and East goes to 3NT. It's white on red, and I'm probably down 4 in 4 diamonds. That's 800, which is worse than them making 3NT. But if partner has even one cover card for me it's only 500. I go for it. West bids 4NT asking for aces. East shows 1 ace and I double which I hope is asking partner to NOT lead a diamond. East bids 6 clubs which gets passed around to me. 6 clubs vulnerable is 1370. Down 6 doubled is 1400. The odds of partner having a cover card have gone down, but even the Q of hearts is good enough. I think I should definitely sac if they're making. Could they be going down? Partner needs 2 good cards to make that happen. I think my EV play is to pass, so I do.

I'm on lead. A spade seems super terrible. I have hearts "stopped" so shouldn't lead those. Partner didn't support diamonds ever, so maybe he can ruff one? I fire out the 5 of diamonds.

A 6 4 2
A K Q 7 6
A J 2

K J 3
J 5 4 2
Q J 6 5 4 2

West North East South
1 21
2 Pass 3NT 4
4NT2 Pass 53 Double4
6 Pass Pass4 Pass
2Ace Asking for No Trump
3One Ace

5-9-T-A. Declarer draws trump. 6-2 of diamonds-2-3. Show off. 7-4 of diamonds-J-4. A-5-8-6 of diamonds.

Now he switches to hearts. Q-8-3-2. 6-9-9 of clubs-4. That sets up his long heart. He runs trump. T-5 of hearts-2 of spades-5 of spades. He has 6 more tricks assuming he has any spades. He does. Making 7.

T 9 7 5
T 9 8
T 8 3
5 4 3

A 6 4 2
A K Q 7 6
A J 2

Q 8
A K 7
K Q T 9 8 7 6

K J 3
J 5 4 2
Q J 6 5 4 2

Professor Jack disagrees with my preempt. My suit isn't good enough for 2 diamonds. Jack wants me to only bid 1 diamond. I'd like a better suit to bid 1 than 2!

Next he disagrees with 4 diamonds. In fact, his comment is "4D must be a mistake." he then disagrees with my penalty double. It also must be a mistake. I didn't mean it as penalty but as anti-lead directional. Guess we don't play that.

He then disagrees with my opening lead. If I lead a diamond I should lead the Q, but he wants me to lead the 3 of spades.

Finally he disagrees with my heart play. He wants me to play the 5 of hearts to show an even number. It doesn't matter on this hand, but it's entirely possible giving proper count lets him pick up my J, so I disagree with Captain Jack here.

On the replay my hand overcalls 1 diamond and then shuts up. They have a long auction with cuebids and asking bids that results in them finding 7 clubs. They have 13 top tricks and don't screw up cashing them, so they make.

I gave it a shot and tried 6 diamonds. I can't claim objectivity since I knew the layout but I only went down 5 which is better than 6 clubs and much, much better than 7 clubs. I guess my rampant overbidding convinced them to settle for the small slam, huh?

Nick: -1390
Jack: -2140
IMPs: 13 (+17 total)

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