Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Final Fantasy Legend

I sadly have not yet found the inclination to finish Final Fantasy II, and I am leaving for WBC very shortly. As such I will be away from my PS2 (and therefore my FFII saved game) for 9 days. Probably I'm going to be spending all of my time playing board games but I decided to download the ROMs for the Game Boy Final Fantasy Legend games and will by giving them a spin. Probably in the car ride if I can figure out how to get power from Pounder's car but we'll see. I'm also taking along Final Fantasy III for my DS and may get started on that too. I'm so close to being done FFII and it feels like cheating to move on before I finish but I promise I'll plow through it when I get back. Honest!

I booted up the ROM and it looks like I'm going on a one man adventure to paradise. The first thing I get to do is pick my race. I've decided since I've never played this game before I'm going to try to raw dog it as much as I can without information so I have no basis for making this decision at all. I can be human (male or female), mutant (male or female), clipper, redbull, wererat, or zombie. I'd like to get some wings, so I'm going with redbull. I only get 4 characters for my name, so I'm Nick instead of Ziggyny in this game.

The first NPC I find tells me I should go to the guild and recruit more members to my party. I have different race options for this guy. The humans and mutants remain but now I can have a lizard, a skeleton, an albatross, or a goblin. There's clearly a right choice here... I'm going to name him Sam. It seems I can get a total of 4 characters and the last 3 have the same race choices. I add on a goblin named Bung and a lizard named Tom. Bung has higher stats but has half the health Tom does. Nick has the most stats and thrice the health, I'm guessing because he was my main guy. Or maybe redbulls are just awesome. Sam seems bad as his only high stat is agility and that never does anything in old games but we'll see.

Next up, ye olde item shoppe. It turns out I start with no money so this little side trip isn't much use, but there is an intriguing item on the list... I always thought money couldn't buy me love but it looks like I was wrong...

Combat seems to function in a Pokemonesque fashion. All of my characters have an ability they can use and a number beside it which counts down when I use it. I'd guess that's how many times I can use the ability before needing to rest. Nick only has a 10 on horn which doesn't bode well for grinding up levels. (I don't know if I need to grind up levels or not but it seems to be the thing to do in Final Fantasy in general so it feels like a safe assumption.)

1 comment:

Sthenno said...

Oh no! All monsters!

Well, it will be interesting to read about your journey.