Friday, October 21, 2011

Final Fantasy III: Mognet

One of the things Square added in the remake of the game is a mail service called Mognet where they retconned moogles into the game and had them deliver letters between your party and some NPCs. On its own this does nothing at all. Provides some random story background maybe. It also lets you send messages to other people who own the game via Nintendo's terrible wi-fi communication service. Send 7 such messages and you actually unlock a whole bunch of quests to get unique stuff!

The final job in the game can only be obtained via these quests. It is in some senses the worst job in the game so it doesn't matter at all that you can't get it without using the wireless communication stuff. In other senses it is the absolute best job in the game. It has a very interesting stat progression where it's absolutely terrible until character level 95 or so where it skyrockets into being the best.

The best weapon in the game can only be obtained via these quests. I may not want to be an onion knight but I can't imagine not wanting the best weapon in the game!

Every job has a good to awesome job specific item which can only be obtained via these quests. You also need to have hit job level 99 in a job to get the item. A monk would take 678 actions to hit max job level which seems like an awful lot just to get a set of arm equipment with +20 strength.

For the most part this stuff seems extraneous. I kinda want to get some of it just to say I have it (I don't really have a schtick yet for this game... Maybe it should be to build a party of maxed out onion knights!) I would like to get an ultimate weapon though.

Unfortunately as it stands right now I can't access the Nintendo Wi-Fi network. It turns out they set it up so the DS could only connect via a bad wireless security protocol (WEP?) and my router gets very angry when I try to enable it. As such I've been unable to get my own friend code to even try to start the process of sending out 7 mails. Part of me is frustrated that there's stuff I simply can't do for technical reasons but maybe it's ok that I just ignore this junk and play the game normally. Of course I am going to try to see if Andrew or Andrew's neighbour has an outdated security protocol this weekend... And maybe I'll even hook up my own router and see if I can't make it work.

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