Sunday, November 20, 2011

Final Fantasy Legend II: Music

Over the last week I've been on a bit of a Final Fantasy music kick. I spent Wednesday listening to stuff from Final Fantasy VIII, Thursday on stuff from Final Fantasy VI, and Friday from stuff from Final Fantasy VII. It's all great music! I could listen to One Winged Angel on repeat forever without getting bored.

The music from Final Fantasy VI is probably the best total collection of music from a video game. Every character/town has their own music and hearing any of those songs again immediately evoked memories of the game. I _really_ want to play that game again after listening to the music.

I wish I could say the same about the music in Final Fantasy Legend II, but I can't. I actually find when I'm playing that I need to take my headphones off lest I get a headache from the music. I don't know if it's because the music itself is lower quality, or if it's because the Gameboy only had 4-bit sound instead of the 16-bit sound on the SNES. Maybe the emulator I'm using is screwing with it in some way. But it's coming across as being very tinny and annoying instead of awesome like I'm used to which is keeping me from just sitting down and playing the game for a long period of time at once.

One nice thing I noticed today while I was playing is it comes through in stereo with different sounds playing in each ear.

Here's a sample of the music, this from inside the tower that bridges the gap between different worlds.

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