Tuesday, February 21, 2012

StarCraft II Campaign

I mentioned yesterday that I haven't actually played StarCraft II in an awfully long time. I decided to change that fact today and figured the best way to do so would be to play the campaign again. I'm playing on brutal and just did the third mission where the zerg swarm your little base and you have to hold out for 20 minutes. I did a pretty terrible job of defending myself and the final push easily swarmed me. I remembered Sthenno talking about running away buildings in the hopes of lasting out the timer and figured I'd give that a shot after my army was destroyed. Up went the command center and I flew it into the corner as mutalisks came in to try to finish it off. It was a race against the clock and it the race was won, barely, by the clock. My command center had 25 health left when the timer ticked down so I ended up winning the mission handily.

The last time I played the campaign I did a bio heavy focus (which I'm pretty sure is just the best) so I'm going to try something different this time. I don't remember when you get actual air units but I think I'm going to focus on those if I can get them soon enough.

1 comment:

Humbabella said...

I've played the campaign a ton of times now doing all kinds of different things. My favourite playthrough was when I refused to build any unit that you can build in the normal game. I played on Hard and it was plenty of fun. I think I even got through the third mission without building marines (you couldn't do that on brutal).

Normally, though, when I play the campaign I just set it on casual for the first three missions to get through them as fast as possible. Mission one: A-move to the upper right of the map. Mission two: Take all marines and SCVs, go pick up extra dudes, A-move to top right of map. Mission three: load marines into bunkers, go do something else for 20 minutes.