Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Twisted Treeline Monsters

I've been jungling a fair bit on the Twisted Treeline map recently and wanted to see how much the different monsters were worth. Monsters in the jungling on Summoner's Rift are worth more gold and experience as the game goes on and I wanted to know the progression for Twisted Treeline but couldn't find it anywhere. My assumption was that not as many people play that map and therefore it was less likely that someone had bothered to crunch the numbers. Well, I like crunching numbers! So I went into a custom game with an Excel sheet open to jot down some numbers and see if I could work out what was going on...

It turns out the reason there's no information on how monster experience scales on Twisted Treeline is because it doesn't. A few months ago they redid the jungle on Summoner's Rift to make up for the mastery tree changes (in particular that they moved the 5% experience mastery deeper in the utility tree so most junglers couldn't take it anymore) and it looks like they just flat out forgot to change Twisted Treeline. The minions in the lanes scale. The small wraiths scale. But nothing else does. My best guess is that they reused the small wraith and minion objects between the two maps but built different versions of wolves and golems and such for the two maps.

Riot had to buff the experience gained in the jungle after the mastery change in order to bring jungling more in line with a solo lane, and that's after having buffed the experience once when they made the change in the first place. This means that a jungler in TT is at a distinct disadvantage compared to the solo laners on their map. It gets even worse when you consider there's only enough jungle monsters on the map for one person to jungle at all! If both teams are trying to jungle then both junglers will fall behind quickly. I'd noticed this with Warwick. On SR I'll build a manamune first so I never have to go back to base. I can jungle forever and constantly gank and there are enough places to go I can constantly be gaining experience and gold. I don't fall behind and frequently get ahead. On TT I was falling way behind. Any team that bothered going into the jungle would wreck me. I'd started switching to building a wriggle's and not using my mana intensive spell at all. It started working better. In part because wriggle's lets me kill monsters faster which in turn means I get a bigger chunk of the jungle monsters. In part because I'm not good enough to buy wards and wriggle's has one for free. In part because I'm forced back to base when I run out of mana which seems to keep me from getting ganked...

I'm disappointed that Riot continues to run 3v3 ranked games on the map but have clearly not put any effort into balancing the map for the 'new' mastery trees.

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