Sunday, August 24, 2014

Bridge Match 3 - Board 9

Board 9 - Dealer North - EW Vul

Opponents convention card: Jack
Opponents playing strength: Excellent

My hand: A K J 9 A Q 2 Q 7 6 4 K 6

I open 1 diamond in 3rd seat. It gets passed out. *sigh* My hand looked so good!

West leads the 6 of hearts.
T 7 6 4 2
8 5 4 3
Q 7
A K J 9
A Q 2
Q 7 6 4
K 6

And partner has a pretty good 5 count. Ok, is there any way this isn't a bottom board? I guess if other people also get passed out in 1 diamond and then I need to not throw away tricks. Wait, am I even making this? It feels like they should be able to set up clubs? Or maybe they should just cross ruff the majors? I need to draw trump to stop that and hope they don't set up clubs in the meantime I guess? At least they started with a heart! 6-3-K-A. I draw trump. 4-2-T-J. East shifts to a spade. 5-A-8-2. Another round of trumps. 6-5-K-A. East now draws more trump. 8-Q-3 of clubs-4 of spades.

Ok, so East has 2 more trump to my 1 more. He can get in, draw my trump, run clubs, and get in with his last trump. Can I stop this? Probably not. East didn't open so he doesn't have the A of clubs and I'm thinking he probably doesn't have the Q of spades either. So my play is probably that I can drop that in West's hand and hope I can force East to use his extra trump on spades.

K-Q-6-3. Huzzah. Another spade. J-5 of clubs-7-3 of diamonds. He draws my last trump as West pitches a heart and dummy pitches a club. He then plays a club to West's ace. West fires a club back to my K. I take that, the spade, and the Q of hearts. I lose a heart to East at the end. Just in.

T 7 6 4 2
8 5 4 3
Q 7
Q 8
J 7 6
5 2
A T 9 5 4 3
5 3
K T 9
A J 9 8 3
J 8 2
A K J 9
A Q 2
Q 7 6 4
K 6

It turns out all 8 tables played 1 diamond. 6 of us made, 2 of us went down 1. So I share a top board here and get 9MPs.

Captain Jack agrees with me all the way! And since every table passed out 1 diamond I guess he really agrees with passing the North hand too. I donno, maybe it's just because it turned out badly and maybe that Qx isn't actually any good in general but things work out better if he bids a major. I think? I guess maybe I go a little crazy if he bids a spade and we may get too high? Though I think we can make 4 spades...

Ranking after board 9/60: 4/16 with 61.11%

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