Sunday, January 04, 2015

Bridge Match 3 - Board 47

Board 47 - Dealer South - NS Vul

Opponents convention card: Dutch Doubleton
Opponents playing strength: Good

My hand: A J T 8 5 3 9 3 J T 8 3 2

East opens 1 heart in 4th seat. I once again have a RAPTOR hand but I don't think Jack knows what that is. So I pass. The end up in 4 hearts.

I lead the T of clubs.
K 6 5 2
T 7 6
J T 8 7
A J T 8
5 3
9 3
J T 8 3 2

T-Q-4-A. East decides to draw one round of trump and then leads a spade. 3-8-K-9. He fires back another spade which partner wins with the Q. Unless I want to overtake and lead instead? I think I do want that. Partner may be able to ruff a spade here. Well, by ruff I mean pitch since my spade is high. I try to give partner another pitch but he ruffs my high spade with the 2 of hearts. East doesn't overruff for some reason. Partner then cashes the A of diamonds and punches through the Q to East's K. East is then up. Down 1.
Q 9
9 8 2
A Q 4 2
9 7 6 4
K 6 5 2
T 7 6
J T 8 7
7 4 3
A K Q J 4
K 6 5
A 5
A J T 8
5 3
9 3
J T 8 3 2
They have 10 easy tricks so it isn't surprising that 6 tables made 4 hearts. The last table went down 2 in 4 hearts. Our declarer threw away a trick by failing to overruff. What happened at that table? Anyway, we get 12 MPs. Woo!

Captain Jack agrees with me all the way!

Ranking after board 47/60: 10/16 with 48.94%

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